I simply suggest that you grow up and end the psychosis you are exuding and embodying. Hebrews 9:27-And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Ya'll need to be bothered and uncomfortable because what believers live in is not the real world. We should value that instead of religion. Nice try on attempting to make your particular prophet seem like he was more than he actually was. Say you guys!!! She is not as hot as me.. I guess all blacks steal to huh? Religion is total bullshit and black people need to wake dafuq up. That's long been debunked. You are & that evidence/proof continues to mount on this thread. Daron, these celebrities are self-proclaimed non-believers. Well, I for one am a believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ! Believe what you want. What is this gods name, birthday, who are its parents, what species is this god? Emcee Lynx is an atheist rapper who often advocates for social change through his music. If heaven is to be filled it seems, by arse licking, annoying, moronic fanatical religiotards, I will happily welcome your imaginary hell mr Massi. I simply stopped buying cigarettes!!!!! Well ~~~~newsflash~~~~ IT DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT NOW AND NEVER WILL! The testimonies of millions of people is a whole heap of the most powerful evidence. It is THAT messed up. That means leaving it between the atheist and "god", and between you and your god. BUT GUESS WHATTHAT IS WHY THEY ARE LOOKED DOWN UPON BY THE EUROS AND GUESS WHAT, OUR POOR BRAINWASHED PEOPLE GO ALONG WITH THEIR EVIL PROGRAM SAYING THAT HAITI SOLD THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVILWHAT THE HECK. YOU OUGHT TO BE UPLIFTING THEM AND HELPING THEM FIGHT AGAINST THE EVIL POWERS!!!!!! I totally agree! So round of applause to GOD!!! I'm not a Christian, but I help others when and where I can. Your "God" who you claimed calls himself/herself "daddy and mother of the Black man from the middle east named 'Jesus'" does not exist. Please people don't get it twisted and talk things you don't know ask and you shall be get. the greatest trick a unicorn ever played is the same as devil and god i guess. Nowto answer your loaded and quite bigoted questions (which never ceases to amaze me with people like you in generally asking questions), the Nobel Prize is not just a piece of paper. You did not have to mention Christianity. so that no one knows its pathway. So, if you have those views, I hope you're refraining from insulting people with them. I also don't care so much that these "celebrities" don't believe or are questioning the cult following.However it is nice that this is even being spotlighted.It is more than past time black stop grasping on to magic and focus on reality. Dennis Spurling Excuse me?! "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. Samuel L. Jacksonis one of the most famous black actors of all times. A black christian is a black person with no memory. There's no other word available in english that tells others exactly where I am. The difference is the atheist helps with no expectations of being rewarded in the after life. [Verse 1: JAY-Z] Tears on the mausoleum floor. While religion within in the Black community is supportive, loving, caring, etc., what Chris Rock says is also a reality of Black history. If Jesus is white and Jesus is god, that means that white people are god. And why is his lot among the saints? It's about taking ownership of my life. Religion is Manmade. None. Samantha A. Christian Praying for ya Sister. Don't look to the sky life, liberty and happiness.Find it here on earth. Interview: Christian Rappers Influenced by the Music of XXXTentacion and Lil Peep (PART 2) By Justin Sarachik December 14, 2018 Last week, in an article titled " Christian Hip-Hop Pushes Emo Rap to a Positive Narrative " we broke down Emo Rap's significance on Christian rap. Interesting. These are the famous . god: 2 million+ deaths in the bible the devil: 10. Christianity is a religion. 2) You are not a credible source. The bible never hints at any such deception. However, he. Islam is unlike the rest of those religions anyway because the Qur'an is the primary source. It is fact that God is myth and a figment of every believer's imagination including you. What's more powerful than time/existence? Truth be told. CHECK: DID YOU KNOW THAT WE IN THE U.S. However, religion is religion no matter how you slice it and dice it or try to run away from the word. Jody Javiera Andrew Next to hydrogen, stupidity is the most common element in the universe. That's pretty much what his last two albums have been about. myself, silly!! If not, cool. 2) No. Let me ask a question: Why would your god create Satan in the first place? A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ABOLITIONIST MOVEMENT__ The goal of the abolitionist movement was the immediate emancipation of all slaves and the end of racial discrimination and segregation. The point is that people are taking a more sane look at this thing called religion and the concept of God. We have chanted for improved social relationships and better health and have used these sorts of approaches mainly to show proof of our practice. Crazy Hip-Hop Rumors That Are Totally True, Rappers Who Are Secretly Very Philanthropic, The Best Young Rappers And New School Rappers, The Greatest Female Vocalists of the Past 10 Years, The Best XXL Freshman Rappers of All Time. ". His name is Yahhence HalleluYAHget it?So,Yahshua said, I came in my fathers name but you do not accept me but another will come in His own name and you will accept him as the Messiah. you like her better than me huh? It's very interesting to me that people base their entire life off of information we read in "books". But then, tell me why the earth was PERFECTLY positioned not too close to the sun and not to far from the sun, where Earth gets a perfect amount of sunlight. The average American KKKristian has the critical thinking skills of a tree stump. If you truly want to know what Christianity is about read about the life of jesus, look at the example he set, and then make a decision on what Christianity is about. i just ask you to ask God to reveal himself to you and He will and in the time when you will need Him the most. you like her better than me huh? However, I know it to be true because Allah contacts me in my dreams and shows me things that most people don't get to see. With all of the wonderful things u witness everyday, THIS IS HOE U THINK? However, it was Allah who sent any wisdom into the world that eventually became the other 2 false Abrahamic religions. i pray u wake up before its to late,ask GOD TO show himself to you and he will if u open your heart to accept truth. He's moot. yahshua said, he comes in his Father's name. We must change our lives and conform to His Word! That is why they add the prize. Seems we are either one extreme or the other, no Balance. My God is the father or mother of a black man from the middle east named Jesus who taught peace. Instead I man up and face my problems head on myself (or with the support of family and friends), with my feet planted firmly in reality. Regarding Satan and God, how can you tell which is which? Mr. 1 scripture does not prove anythingat all. The Qur'an proves itself in various ways with everything that is recorded in it. God bless! At least John Legend trying to get back in reach but this was very interesting. That said the laws that operate in this universe are consistent I can't explain them I simply rely on my faith. The point I am trying to make is don't be a fool and lose your soul because you lean on your own understanding. Stay blessed. Simply, what I am saying is that we cannot allow a culture or group of people who have a history of brutalization who at the same time claim to be the most religious to turn us away from search for the true expression of the Divine. See you still got nothing. No, the 2000+ year dead men did not explain crap. How you know he's real? Maybe you should study more instead of blindly accepting things. Religion can limit, or entirely shut down the potential to think and observe outside the realms of a person's mind, giving them no other way to think other than what the religious text has taught them. So yes, Christianity and the Christianity within Black culture is very unique in its support for its community, but this history exists, and it's important to acknowledge it and not degrade those Black people that do acknowledge it. by things that really doesn't make sense. I am female. America itself is on a serious decline so what you people are talking does not make any damn sense. People claim they existed, but all we have today is written documents telling us they actually existed just like with Jesus. It was from their imaginations that all things Islam was formed. There is nothing wrong with that.. Why does all religions have a name for there god except Africans (the first people)? It makes no mistakes for Allah makes no mistakes. Very mature of you to resort to name calling those that think for themselves. God is Good man the world is so fuck up and yes Faith have been with our ppl since the we was in the field praying and having faith in God my sister my brother our faith have to stay Strong God do exist when u hurt or in jail u cailling On God lol u ppl make me sick and the white man got yall fuck up. but were consumed in our wickedness." And so that's okay most people never believe in god because they never showed them the power of his presence. They're put on a pedestal (fame & money) and soon they began to think the are greater thou. In addition being called a bigot for supporting the word of God is perfectly acceptable. Makes you as primitive as the bible authors themselves. Our families, friends, children, community, lover/spouse, pets, those in need all over the world. WE HAVE BEEN BAMBOOZLED. I am not here to force at all. Their issues with faith is their own and surely not one that makes me lose one ounce of sleep I just pray for them and keep it moving. The first christian rapper I have ever heard, and he has changed my life with his music. Chlamydia sounds better than christian too. ^^ I'm pretty sure nobody will lose any sleep due to your STRONG DISAGREEMENT lol. Any reasonably thinking person can deduce that the god of the bible with its all knowing, all loving and all powerfulness is conflicted , murderous and incompetent. We don't care what you, any other Christian, or anybody else theist thinks, period. I also know by having studied Islam in Religious Studies courses in school. Enjoy your psychosis. I've wasted enough time on this. It's called "Theism." (Always be assimilating). Third, it's only ironic and bigoted that you claim non-believers to be "stupid talkers who are American." I think that if you actually read what I have said you will understand clearly my point. In a 2013 interview, she stated: "I think of religion as something that stains the person. People want a God that they can manipulate, put him away when you feel you want to "do your own thing"; then bring Him out when you want to. Before our spirit christian governments start wars, execute their own people, lie, cheat, and stealall in the name of this God. Would the scorn in this article be as bad if these people identified as another religion? Samantha A. Christian I agree. Instead I would do what I and others like me have done. The universe is not "proof of God's existence." how many do stop to even think that a creation would never be aware of its creator but will realise it is serving a purpose . Chris Rock is painfully right. 10) LL Cool J - "The Power of God". A million Likes for your long rants in form of epistles will NOT reduce the number of Christians around the world! Second of all, though you are somewhat right in asserting that Christians and Jews are supposed to worship the same God as Muslims, it is not always the case so again you error. Who will you find on this rappers who are atheist or agnostic list? Religion and Theism are the same thing. God is what matters. But fact is there are many stories in the problem that border fiction more so than fact. To think something that stands outside of time and not only created our galaxy but billions of galaxies is a man lacks all common sense. Thus a person can believe whatever they want with no tangible real facts are proof. Oh well, I guess, it depends on the "legion" of writers of the over 165 bibles (bible is simply Greek for library). There is so much more to this than our chanting for material possessions. [3] They will speak to one another in repentance, Ah no. Ur WRONG! Samantha A. Christian "religiosity is no different than slavery." God is real, and whether you believe it or not doesn't negate the fact that He is God, and He's will to save your souls because He loves you that much. christianity has been used to bind the mind of black people. Personally I have faith in the Almighty but I do not own religion . So how did we get Jesus? (HE) dont force force nothing on people, like not forcing a religious doctrine on people enslaved for hundreds of years. Again, enjoy your psychosis. Until you provide objective proof/evidence of your "God's existence," my suggestion is that you keep your lies to yourself. CENSORSHIP perhaps, or maybe I just missed it in the thread In either case, what I 'think' I said is something like "Bible Bully Christians (who ironically rarely read their bibles) and Atheists (A LOT of Atheists I guess I left out) seem to have one remarkable thing in common "Very few of you in either group respect the beliefs of other who do not believe what you do" I am very well informed of history surrounding religion, the good and the bad, there is a A LOT of bad, I get it I'm not so informed about atheism, nor do I care to be, I'm not an atheist. Yep, bigotry is also a major part of being a Christian. if we start naming all the things people do that they hv no "proof" for we'll be here all day. Stop being big babies and scaredy cats, confess before Christ lol oh really! i would never have the spiritual arrogance to tell another person they are going to hell because they do not believe in my god based on a highly edited book that's been handled for at least 2,500 years with sketchy reliable sources.. first of all, i haven't read that anyone is worshipping Chris Rock. Joan Dean-Edwards Get ahold of Samuel Jackson then and tell him they are discrediting his name. Like myself they understand your position. LIVE AND LET LIVE!!! Religion is such a part of the culture that people often think theres no such thing as a black atheist. Carl B Grant you are so lost. [9] "All those things have vanished like a shadow, Of course, you don't care what a Non-Muslim woman thinks because being a Muslim woman is all about being a pawn in a grand masculism scheme. The supposed act of God cursing black folks is not even in the Bible. And yes, you are religious. Oh!, there is A God. Let's get that straight. Pretty funny and very hypocritical. yahshua said, he comes in his Father's name. Isa Massi I respect folks from all walks of life and all belief systems (though I do not support belief systems that contradict my right to take my human freedom into my own hands) but i have one question for you and any other religious person on this very interesting comment string: Are you familiar with the word DOGMA??? but unplug your computer now Satan works in mysterious ways. So you label an entire group of people for the actions of some. Theory is fact to the best of our knowledge and can be debunked at any time with enough evidence. This comes down to objective evidence and proof which you do not have of "God's existence." That's your ignorance showing. Just because you say there is a God does not make it so. but the way of the Lord we have not known. Kamilah T. Harris I believe in questioning and challenging. There was a study that show a direct the least education a person has the more likely they are to be religious. Sigh Can I just Why are people still ignorant of the difference between the terms 'atheist' and 'agnostic'? You don't understand how to produce quality If you don't understand that mixing and mastering are equally as important as your rap skills, connections, performance game and producers, you may want to reconsider. Again, there are such things as "Religious/Theistic Scientists" who invented things such as "intelligent design" as "proof/evidence" that the world was "created." Again, present objective evidence/proof for me to look at which support your claims. Cheryl South you don't have to be a christian to love and help others. And dumb behind black folks are going to be the ones who suffer the most. Isa Massi Well, how is that going too far considering that prejudice, intolerance, and racism are all forms of negativity justified in translation of scriptures? Yes, that arrogance and bigotry comes from and is upheld by your "perfectly acceptable word of God." Lesson: don't play with your puppy while texting with swype lol. I can't believe most of you are sell outs like this. Because the Qur'an proves itself in various ways with everything that is recorded in it you! Hope you 're refraining from insulting people with them life, liberty and happiness.Find it here earth... 'M pretty sure nobody will lose any sleep due to your STRONG DISAGREEMENT lol called religion the! Sigh can I just Why are people still ignorant of the difference the... Sorts of approaches mainly to show proof of God is the atheist ``. Been used to bind the mind of black people think the are greater.. Leaving it between the terms 'atheist ' and 'agnostic ' I have faith in the first place make damn! One another in repentance, Ah no do n't be a fool and lose your soul because you there! The actions of some I for one am a believer in the first people ) the... 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