Is there any known amount of time this takes for these side effects to stop? Also, nothing seems to cancel out the taste, even food with a really strong flavour will only hide the taste for a few minutes until the taste from the food is completely replaced by this awful taste again. Metallic taste prevalence in patients treated for cancer: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Hi Jess Ive been told that its acid reflex but its not I NEVER GET HEARTBURN, and have been put on every type of medicine for it and it doesnt change anything. Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice used to treat a white tongue coating. My stomach feels better but the terrrible taste in my mouth is still there. Although metallic taste is a frequent side effect of chemotherapy and a much discussed topic on cancer patient forums, literature regarding metallic taste among chemotherapy treated cancer patients is scarce. Adding more acid (using betaine) signals your stomach to release the chyme into your intestine. Sharma, Edelberg, Gemelas and Scott. in turn,refers me back to the. Hi doctor. I do have probiotics but am afraid to take those too. He has been on prilosec for years. I would love your thoughts. After a backread of all the notable procedures here, that there is no mention of my symptom which led me to take indomethasin. Then, six months ago, when her symptoms went into high gear, she knew she had to do something. Cancer Treatment. The only protein she can cope with at the moment is cashew nuts. The taste issue is unfortunately most likely from the Lotronex. Thank you, I have an appointment with my GP in April and will suggest this is the answer. If you get no improvement after a month, dont continue the supplements. Ive never had any of my patients tell me anything like this after an adjustment and while I have had some patients come in 2 or 3 times a week, never for months mostly just to get them out of the acute phase and train their nervous systems to hold their alignment. Firstly I had to be treated for Helicobacter with several antibiotic treatments and am cured now however after taking a lot PPI I suddenly started to develop a sour/bitter taste in my mouth which is highly irritating even PPis wont help. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek Would like to speak with Dr. David Edelberg by phone or an appointment, Ive adopted several methods: Our scheduling staff can be reached at 773-296-6700. I had several biopsies and nine vials of blood taken from me and a stool sample. Dr M. VERY INTERESTING! Natural remedies were always immediately too strong and drying. Post Edited (88keys) : 2/20/2012 1:22:21 PM (GMT-7) dencha. I am so frustrated, I need some help. But one possible red flag we've been hearing a lot about lately is missing from the catalog: a strange metallic taste in the mouth. Around 47% of adults older than 30 in the USA have some sort of periodontal disease. If you dont feel like youre getting anywhere with your current doc, perhaps seeing one of our medical physicians here at WholeHealth would be a good next step. Gas, bloating, indigestion, numbness, tingling sensation, burning sensation. I have had a bitter taste in my mouth for more than ten years. Perhaps Im just an airswallower. I would like to speak to someone who knows alot about how to get rid of this awful taste. Al, Where can I buy the supplement BetaineHCL, Cynthia. This is all I am taking at this time. I have suffered stomach problems for about 3 yrs. I just purchased this product which includes pepsin and opted for the 250mg capsules as could increase. Salt water rinse & Baking Powder I live in Florida during the winter months. Im going to try the Betaine out of desperation, but am wondering on the Nexium use with the supplement. I tried the betaine hcl with pepsine I can say that the bloated stomach that I suffered from since I was a child has almost gone;but the acidic taste in my mouth became worse and even made my teeth lighteningany explanation?should I take any supplements along with the betaine hcl?..or does it mean that actually I dont have low stomach acid?thank you so much, PPIs only make my GERD worse. My name is Susie. Not one person has done anything beyond look in my mouth and say hmmm, seems normal. I have had this terrible taste in my mouth for almost 3 years now! Thanks so much. My mouth tasted pretty bad as well but the medication tastes bad too, so I wasn't sure if it was that. Even aloe vera juice. Have used dexilant and other PPIs n nothing has worked. Your sense of taste is controlled by your taste buds . Amie. I was diagnosed with a sliding Hiatus hernia and Barretts Syndrome in March this year. Take this medicine by mouth, usually 2 to 4 times daily, on an empty stomach at least 1 hour before a meal, or as directed by your doctor. Asked for Female, 22 Years 147 Views v Any suggestions ? In the meantime I did start taking Prevacid and Zantac even though I would rather not, because I am getting scared. The product has a metallic off taste. I look forward to some relief very soon. Bitter taste in mouth developed after 3 months of Allicin (that was a month ago). prevacid did not make my symtom worst but the chest pain and sour taste not going away completely. I have no problems with bloating, gas or pain. My stomach isnt working right its like everything I eat causing it, I eat do healthy. If youve only had this toxic taste in your mouth for one day, I wouldnt worry. Nancy Please have your daughter call the center (773-296-6700) to schedule an appointment. I had an endoscopy (sp) and said my esposhagus door was tilted but otherwise fine. After days of research on PPI medications I decided to quit taking them. I had also read to try drinking apple cider vinegar. Best wishes to you! Thank you for your story Claudia. My grandfather has had a bitter taste in his mouth for 9 months now! Metal can, well, make metallic flavors taste worse. Hi Susie Geneine Lee Whiteman. From what I've heard, the majority of RC's don't feel . Yes, there's something undeniably ephemeral about fine dining. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Especially new mexico grown red chili. Amie. Veteran Member. I will continue to see if taste improves, thanks, Susan. 09-03-2013, 12:41 PM #5. When do u know u need to start supplementing with hcl ? That said, adding Betaine, which increases your acid, is not a good idea. It usually goes away when you finish treatment. Digestive Bitters, Hi Claire Thanks in advance, Eggs and mushrooms and anything heavy like pasta often make me miserable and things that are high fiber like beans I suffer for hours after with nausea and gas. Thank you for answering my questions and for your site. It is helping my symptoms. Ask your doctor to test you for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Ive been taking Betaine/HCL supplements, and also found DGL (licorice) 30 minutes before meals to be very helpful. I forgot to mention, I also have been taking digestive enzymes as suggested by the doctor here but they have not helped me. Best of luck in addressing your digestive concerns! 2. The bad taste in my mouth (metallic) has been uncomfortable and ongoing for at least four-six months now. Within a few days Claudia felt fine, the vile taste gone and her digestive misery also a memory. Not taking care of or not cleaning your teeth properly could lead to problems such as periodontitis, gingivitis, and tooth infection. I have the bad taste all the time and feel like food is sitting in my throat and constant Naseous all day. Note: This document contains side effect information about sucralfate. If youre not getting satisfactory results by the time you finish the bottle, dont buy another. It does sound like you might have issues with dairy. Once in your stomach, the whole mess is churned with pure hydrochloric acid and still more enzymes into a thick sludge called chyme (pronounced kim with a long i). My GI doctor has done two endoscopies and insists I have acid reflux. Symptoms of dysgeusia include a persistent metallic, rancid, foul, or salty taste in the mouth. I can live with that. My stomach isnt working right its like everything I eat causing it, I eat do healthy. Available for Android and iOS devices. By evening my throat gurgles, like air or gas is trapped, and i mean loudly (by the way I never burp) and I usually get so bloated i look pregnant, this is from ppis. I stayed with so much pain in my mouth.. its burning as well so much.. furthermore its dry, bad taste.. I feel I av silent reflux as something is affecting throat. Ok for a week now. Wed love to be able to help you with this. Z, Ask your doc his opinion about Reglan which improves forward motility of your stomach and intestines. I've been sitting in the basement binge watching Netflix shows. I also keep having a salty taste in mouth after everything I eat. Zoloft induced side effects should start to disappear when your body adjusts to the presence of the drug. The only person I have to talk to about this is my Chiropractor as my doctor has told me I definitely dont have low stomach acid!! I will let you know any results. Was told (not by GI or Rhumatology) that my blood leeched protein and calcium from the joint friction. Have lost a lot of weight. Dr edelberg, will taking these supplements affect my (long standing) history-with diareah? If the combination doesnt work, then at least youll know the issue is not undigested food your body is in recovery mode and needs the nutrition. Thanks so much i have suffered the same symptoms for many years just not the yeast infection where can i find this supplement thanks again. Feels like sandpaper in the back of her throat , because of that constant throat clearing!! The metal mouth for me lasted about 2 months. After two months I am still feeling some symptoms, such as a burning/acidic feeling in my stomach gas and bloating. To try the Betaine HCL I ease off the Nexium? Im a bit at a loss as the gp here in England seems unkeen to progress it forward during covid. Just started double dose of Nexium. Have you been seen by a WHC practitioner? NOTE: Im currently wearing orthodontic braces as well, but I adopt an intensive flossing/cleaning regime with a water jet flosser/waterpik. Yet to try hcl as dont feel any better with others. and Betaine (converts to stomach acid), 1-2 capsules with each meal. The horrific taste was still there, and the drs just said it was in my head. We will use the salty, savory, spicy, sour and sweet seasoning method to combat metallic tastes. So glad I found your article. Im searching for someone who can help my daughter, she is suffering from digestive issues and depression. If not, I recommend seeing whomever has been following your healthcare. My PPI is not helping so im trying HCL to see if I will see any difference. Dysgeusia or parageusia refers to a metallic taste even though nothing is in the mouth. I have bad taste in my mouth i tryed everything, Hi Sue Is it ok to take a the same brand for hcl & digestive enzymes not one thats combined with hcl ? Betaine might be helpful, but its best to have a functional medicine practitioner go through some additional work-up with you and assist you with a protocol with Betaine if necessary. Thank you! She used to be able to eat fruit at that period of time (papaya / banana) but lately when she tried eating this the salty taste become worse same goes for when she eat fish or chicken. buy probiotics!!! Yes, we are missing an organ so our digestive wont quit be the same. What meds or supplements are you taking (including any means of birth control). significantly better. He will be testing you for hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) which I describe in the article. I posted a comment earlier about my grandfather. He has me taking 40 mg of omeprazole in the am and 140 mg Zantac before bed. Thanks for your reply, guess I'll see how I feel in the next day or two. Also remember to use a tongue scraper every single day after brushing your teeth If it drains into your sinuses, it can taste metallic. I saw a gastro consultant & he said I have functional dyspepsia. The most commonly reported side effect was constipation. No straw drinking/not eating fast,not talking while eating. Had been on high doses of Allicin prescribed to me by a chinese Dr. to treat chronic Lyme. Heres another persistent patient story, a woman who endured years of symptoms and no definite answers. He has lost weight and is getting depressed. So what do I do? Required fields are marked *. Hi Sierra. That sounds like cid to me. Is it too early to make a difference? My doctor found esophagitis and inflammation, and the PPIs gave me a disgusting taste in my mouth that has now been there for OVER A MONTH, and this article says to take Betaine HCL for this. Thank you Doctor for taking the time to read this. Signs and symptoms include metallic taste; garlicky odor; nausea; pain in gullet, stomach, or abdomen; vomiting; diarrhea; cough dyspnea; respiratory failure; headache; anxiety; hypotension tachycardia/bradycardia; myocarditis; hepatosplenomegaly; renal failure; coma; and others. Also a dull pain in my left abdomen and general sense of my tummy not feeling right. I have been diagnosed with GERD, had a hietial hernia procedure and my gallbladder was removed. I was going to GPs with it clearly showing all through my mouth and throat, but told nyastatin wasnt available any more. My anxiety got the best of me! Im 46 by the way and have been experiencing an increasing problem with milk. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Try it for a couple of weeks and see if your bad taste starts to clear. Hi Virginia , no worries! My grandfather took just one betaine hcl w pepcin this evening and stopped taking his prilosec. In the meantime, switch up your foods. This website cannot substitute for professional medical advice. Along time. Yes, corticosteroids and betaine shouldnt be taken together as theyre both stomach irritants Having altered taste or metallic taste, especially after surgery, may significantly impact one's recovery process. I tapered to 20 mg omeprazole and no Zantac a few days ago. Please consider an in-person or video telemedicine visit with one of them. Bleeding can be from the gums, sinuses or nose. This taste begins to vanish when the body processes the vitamins or medicine. It's hard going to bed at night cause I know I'm gonna wake up to it. Radiation in the head and neck area. Hi there Struggling with terrible taste in mouth and nausea. What symptoms would u get if acid low ? They could not figure out the reason for this problem. Brushing my teeth and mouthwash dont . Blood happens to tastes like metal and can be tasted even if the amount of blood is barely perceptible. Ive done all kinds of tests I do have low-grade GERD. So I stopped. Play with decreasing the dose over time based on your symptoms. When blood breaks down, iron is released and causes a metallic taste in mouth. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. But if your GI test is scheduled, dont use them because theyll interfere with the test results. I dont really have too much trouble with indigestion or stomach problems except occasional heartburn etc. Try the betaine alone for 2-3 weeks just to see if you really need the Nexium. Nothing shakes faith like multiple points of view. Dr.E, He suggested she keep taking the Nexium, but she chose not to and cancelled further appointments with him. I am low in iron go for infusion the 1rst of june. Like uncirculated air. People Report 'Bitter, Metallic' Taste After Taking COVID Medication The "gross" side effect is suspected to be short-lived. Did it help? I know my body is breaking down muscle now i see it in my urine and feel it. My son has this acid taste in his mouth all the time and his tounge get numb. Hi Herlinda Symptoms like these can come from so many different places. Im currently taking probiotics aswell. The whole drive home I started to freaking out thing I was going to have a stroke and now I'm an hour out of my appointment and I have a strong metallic taste in my mouth. Any advice would be appreciated, Hi Linda this definitely sounds like something we may be able to help you with, but it would require an in-depth conversation about your history, symptoms, tests that have been performed (and those that may not have been performed). Hi Lesley Forgot to mention; I have some Red Hot candies to help with the bad taste It's temporary, but helps a little. Dr E, My history is complicated. I had nausea for four months before surgery and three weeks later still have it. I have had all kinds of dental work done and redone to no avail. I tried already a lot.. antifungals.. nexium.. nothing helps I wonder if the HCL pepsin can help me thank you so much already. The medications I take, Keppra and Lamictal, do not say metallic taste or smell are potential side effects. I have no idea what to do. The inside of my nose seems to be irritated and red and any discharge also smells rancid. Thanks, Susan, Hi Virginia I have barretts and I have been taking Omeprazole for years. Oh, I should have mentioned, I have also been burping a lot. With hypochlorhydria, the whole process grinds to a halt. He suggests calling to schedule a telemedicine visit with him. Oral health issues. Two rounds of each usually clears SIBO. I have been taking Betaine HCL with Pepsin for over a week now as I have been diagnosed with severe acid reflux over a year ago. I am so weak now its hard to go to work. Bitter, metallic taste in mouth :( Cause ? Can I assume that I can find the Betaine Hydrochloride (Betaine HCL) supplement at WalMart or Target pharmacies? Im thinking about goin and taking him some betain hcl tonight. Hi Elizabeth Im dealing with the exact same thing right now. I have a very similar story to Claudia. I had my gallbladder removed 7 almost 8 weeks ago and still can't eat . thanks. I look forward to a successful change in my mouth taste on a permanent basis-. How do I get out of this? Ive been on it since may of 2017 and had to double my dose in November of 2017. I am working with my naturopath to focus on food combining and see if this helps. As the stomach keeps churning the food, even though the overall amount of acid is small the excessive churning causes some backflow of acid thats experienced as reflux. Im feeling very brainfogged and feel my heart beating hard in my neck and head. Pop a piece of sugar-free gum. Thank you!!! I also have had for more than 10 years a nasty, sour, acid, bitter taste in my mouth. A metallic taste in the mouth is defined as the presence of metallic particles in the mouth. If you could give me some advice I would much appreciate it. Hi Susie, I have the exact same symptoms you describe. I was put on double dose somac before meals. The taste keeps getting worse and I am afraid that my esophagus is at risk. 1. If you dont mind me asking, which brand of DGL are you using? Also get tested for small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). In either case, youll not have any permanent damage. Diana. Once I took a tab of hcl, caused me to double over in excruciating pain. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Being well and staying well can sometimes feel like a burden, but we make it easy with WholeHealth Plans. Metallic taste. I was also tested for everything. I am worried I have damaged my throat with pepsin. Dont want to start hcl incase got too much acid. I would suggest the supplement Betaine which you would take during a meal. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention. Two months ago non-penetrative intercourse. At first it was only once in a while but now it is a constant thing with me. In fact, once after a particularly stressful relationship when she became depressed and briefly stopped eating much at all, her digestive symptoms actually went away. I feel dry inside, like I need acid to break down food. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. TIA I appreciate any/all responses. However, the constant bad taste in my mouth no matter what I do is really starting to get me down. At times I also have dry lips and lip sores. You can try your luck with difference medications in that same general group, like Dexilant or Prilosec, or try using a natural product like DGL, At the moment I am experiencing all these symptoms, since my pregnancies ive been taking omaprozole 10mg but now I have phlemge on the back of my throat with Saw surgeon 2 weeks post op and vomiting wasn't that bad then but he told me to eat more protein and take vitamins . Stay up to date on how to maximize your health and well-being! Have you tried the few simple supplements suggested in the health tip? Joined : Feb 2009. This is sometimes called "chemotherapy mouth" or "chemo mouth.". The vile taste she experienced comes from slowly putrefying food, sitting there. Hi Dr. Your email address will not be published. Hi Bonnie heres a link to be able to purchase a reliable source of Betain:, Hi Alicia A week later I had the most God awful taste in my mouth and stopped eating, I was so miserable for about two weeks and suicidal. I think the lack of acid is my problem. -Dr M. I came across this post searching for reasons why I have had a salty taste in my mouth for 6 days now. My hair falls out, my nails get brittle, my eyes get dry and I cant concentrate on anything due to the discomfort. This may increase the risk for oral health diseases and infections. Thats big for me. You can read more about it here:, Best of luck to your daughter we hope all goes well with her. Loss of appetite. I always get a light metallic taste before af arrives and then it goes away like the day before. This can adjust the pH balance of your mouth and help to neutralize acid. Hell look forward to speaking with you soon. I have had a lot of issues with pain, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I went to a pain clinic and they did an SI joint injection of cortisone in December. Everything still taste bad i tried a lot just get something in my stomach. Having had 40 years of these issues, it probably doesnt make sense to experiment with a supplement that increases acid, does it? Change in both taste and digestion have been reported as side effects from the PPI family. Privacy Policy. I cut out most grains about a year ago and that seems to help. Kidney disease D. Every time I ate the food would just sit in my stomach and I would get major nausea every single time. I have similar symptoms as Claudia. Im allergic to some foods and food sit in my stomach for a long time before digesting. Do u think I should try hcl next ? The metallic taste may be caused by dysgeusia, a distortion of the sense of taste, which may be a side effect of chemotherapy and other medications she may be taking. All tests normal as always. I'm still a little suspect of chiros. I am ecstatic. Burger King chyme and Alinea chyme would be visibly indistinguishable from each other, but fortunately everything is far removed from your visual field and you can continue to enjoy your meal. I know that probably has an effect on my digestive system,but Im willing to give anything a go. Hoping to get some solutions on what I can do/take to cure the issues. Thank you Dr. Edelberg, Why not try eliminating all dairy for a week or so and see if this helps. You will notice food will not taste the same anymore and your appetite wilp be gone. I am grateful to have practitioners in the world like you and your staff who focus on alternative, integrative healing practices rather than a pill equaling the immediate and only solution for everything.Thank you! When do u know when to stop taking these ? You can start SIBO treatment with two natural products available online called Candibactin AR and Candibactin BR. If not, ask your doctor for blood tests to check your kidneys, Hi Dr. Dry mouth This problem graduated to a loss of smell and taste. i started talking vitamins and ive felt so much better!!! Would love to hear from others who can relate. Cancer Treatments: Dr M. Thank you I have been begging everybody for help and Im wondering if you have figured out. Obviously, discontinue if these don;t work. I cant stress enough about taking vitamins. Amie. as being in breach of those terms. Also, it is a bit daunting to start a plan of treatment to increase acid, if I am not sure that this is my problem. How are you feeling after trying the supplements. Please help. I have suffered from this exact condition for many years now,but its got so bad I really have to take action as I just cant live with this anymore. During nausea days she was o . Re: Metallic Taste. Very safe with any other medication your taking. My throat is very sore, whats best way to heal it ? Help me, what do you recommend? Had endoscopy 2 weeks ago which came out perfect. I havent yet tried you remedy but I will. With all this burping, I sometimes do burp up supplements I take and that is not pleasant. For the past few months I too have had this nasty nasty taste in my mouth. Does that mean I dont need it, our just need to take less? Ive spoken to doctor about an ablation. The ammonia presence makes many bitter foods to be intolerable, especially raw bitter greens. along with the breath test for small intestine bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO) Is pregnancy still possible? A PPI, Pantoprazole, was prescribed. Two days on Pantoprazole my throat became on fire and a rancid hot taste in my mouth. Similase(digestive enzymes), Like a rotting/faeces smell. Recently I noticed that if I constrict my chest I can hear/feel a light gurgling in/around the areas of pain and the pain seem to move upward making the taste in my mouth much worse. 2 weeks later salt taste in mouth..i am again put on antibiotics for this taste. Most often, because people have varying amounts of stomach acid, hypochlorhydria just appears, sometimes starting early in life as mild chronic indigestion and then slowly worsening. Controlled by your taste buds salty, savory, spicy, sour, acid, it! Is very sore, whats best way to heal it same symptoms you describe to stomach acid which. A sliding Hiatus hernia and Barretts Syndrome in March this year double dose somac before meals to be to! Dont continue the supplements Virginia I have damaged my throat and constant Naseous all day release the into... Taking these supplements affect my ( long standing ) history-with diareah me some advice I would get nausea. 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