If the tenth house is set in the sign of Aries, there is a natural need of a person to focus their energy on career goals and the material future they can build. Natives with Mercury in 10th house from lagna will be blessed with good communication skills. And thats not all either! And here are my main reasons for this! So, volume three of the series mainly deals with the rulers of all of the twelve astrological houses and their placements in other houses in your birth chart. But that doesnt mean you should go it alone. These houses signify various things like the personality, family, career, love, marriage, relations, parents, material life, luxuries, finance, property, etc., to name a few. It shows you how your relationship with your parents has played out and how easily you accept or reject authority in your life. Speaking of which, whats your relationship to authority and authority figures? And finally, the book also gives you some important information and recommendations for one of the most important phases in our lives in terms of professional development and maturity the Saturn return. 3 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology, The Astrology of Success: A Guide to Illuminate Your Inborn Gifts for Achieving Career Success and Life Fulfillment, The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume 1, The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Volume 2, New Moon Astrology: The Secret of Astrological Timing to Make All Your Dreams Come True, Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling, Aquarius: Harness the Power of the Zodiac, the article dedicated to the awesome system called Human Design, Saturn Return Survival Guide: Navigating this cosmic rite of passage, the book series by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers, What is my purpose? The French novelist described technologies which were considered fantastic in his era, such as the submarine in his book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas. These people are more than able to monitor the progress of any task at hand. It shows you how your relationship with your parents has played out and how easily you . And a watery ascendant (Pisces) will help you into any artistic endeavor or spiritual quest! What I also think is extremely valuable and indispensable about this work is the chapter on transits. In my Houses, I have the sign of Aries at 22nd degree in my 4th House. This area of the chart is symbolic of the authorities in your life; parents, bosses, and leaders. When in service for others, they can end up being misunderstood or they can become unfriendly, which can lead to conflicts out of frustration. Alrighty! However, I do find this phenomenon quite interesting. In this article, you can learn how a detailed reading of your horoscope and the 10th house can determine your career direction. I think this is the most recommended book on this blog so far. This period in our lives, that we usually experience twice in our lifetime, is related to massive changes in our professional development and in our natural maturation process. According to astrology, people who have Venus in the Tenth House are charming, sociable, attractive, outgoing, active, and ambitious in their personalities. Moon and Mars Conjunction in 10th House in Navamsa Chart. When it comes to what they can do best as a job, this has a lot to do with the field of technology. Copyright 2014-2023 All rights reserved. Your success and achievement fall within this house. The typical water bearer of the zodiac is probably the most odd unorthodox, and often pretty weird person you may come across. The party that holds the administration is also represented by the 10th house. After dissecting the Capricorn astrological sign, we arrive at the penultimate zodiac sign Aquarius the last air and fixed sign of the chart. Your reputation depends on it! Their public and professional identity is a lot related to their social life and the professional affiliations theyve established because they give a lot of importance to how theyre seen by others when it comes to their profession. My Lilith at 22nd degree in my 1st House. Their bosses can criticize them too often. This house is called karma bhava because it reflects and governs the actions of a person. Your tenth house is in Aquarius. You may be drawn to a job that's creative or inventive. This moon placement is focused on long-term success. Another field of interests to those with Aquarius on the tenth house cusp is everything related to the New Age movement, occult knowledge, astrology, numerology, energetic healing practices, spirituality, etc. The 10th House is the planetary house that concerns your public persona, career, and status. As a gentle reminder, please remember this is a sub for learning about astrology and how to read a natal chart! It is the House of your profession Well, the 10th house in horoscope points to a lot many things surrounding your profession. You dont get involved with people unless you sense theres a promising future. This is another great read by the same author Jan Spiller. These skills will be the key for them to achieve reputation and dignity through a remarkable career. This means that you dont have to look through different tomes of astrological guides to find the details that you need at that point. They have their strong convictions but remain open-minded and unprejudiced. With Saturn in this family-focused placement, having time to spend with your nearest and dearest is essential to your internal balance. This is an indispensable piece of information which would give you another perspective and an important nuance to the correct choice for your professional development. The eleventh zodiac sign is considered to be a true humanist, and a career related to the service of a community or a particular nation is quite suitable for such people. And thats not all either! This gives us the opportunity to better understand the astrological concepts and the various natal chart placements. Moon in the Tenth House and Career The Moon represents what you need and what makes you feel safe and nurtured. It is also called the "Midheaven" and "Medium Coeli" and encompasses our ambitious aim and goal in life and what we are working hard to attain in life on a material level. The luminary Sun is found to be the best when placed in the 10th house of one's natal chart, the 10th house rules over the profession or career of the native. To me, this is a wonderful educational work that brings light to the topic of finding your vocation according to the art and science of astrology. It tells how far we would succeed in our efforts and how much our dreams could be realized. More than this, they can see what the future holds and how things will look like from a global point of view. 12 days ago. The eleventh zodiac sign is considered to be a true humanist, and a career related to the service of a community or a particular nation is quite suitable for such people. The third section of this volume will give you a better perspective of some exciting parts of your birth chart planets with oriental appearance, prenatal eclipses and lunations, the zenith, the Arabic parts, the fixed stars and critical degrees, the position of Earth in the birth chart, etc. They will color the career house with their specifics, positive strong traits or weaknesses. failures), and ambitions of Capricorn and its ruler Saturn. What that means is that our career has to be congruent with our personality! The 10th house is the house of career and goals. Besides, they simply love learning because they dont want to seem stupid. The native is careless in spending too much money for the happiness and welfare of the family. Staying before a selection sometimes leads him to a dead end. Owing to the placement of a particular zodiac sign in a particular zodiac plane, every individual has different characteristics unique to him. Keep in mind that these planets located in your Midheaven are the actual rulers of other astrological houses. People born with Aquarius in the Tenth House are original and adopt the most innovative ideas when it comes to their career. Aquariuses are also quite wayward, unpredictable, and often stubborn to a fault. Why is this important? Bask in success, joy, and satisfaction with your dream career and unique vocation! Each house is like a movie set of your life where different types of action are taking place. Also, remember that to fully discover the hidden messages about your 10th house in astrology, you need to take a look at the position and aspects of the tenth house ruler. Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. The MYSTICAL Side of Your Midheaven in Sagittarius, 17+ AMAZINGLY Auspicious Libra Crystals for Luck, Prosperity, and Love. And the position of the 10th house lord in your birth chart would determine your career direction. The book does not only go into a great detail on the significance and the meaning of the 10th house placement. The information I share in this blog is based on my personal experience, conclusions, observations and studies, or taken from books and educational materials, which are mentioned in the articles. So, now I would like to suggest the second installment of the series. I think that this is the defining factor in whether something is good and suitable for us or not. More info on finding your perfect career pathhere! 1. Go to: 1st house - 2nd house - 3rd house - 4th house - 5th house - 6th house - 7th house - 8th house - 9th house - 11th house - 12th house The ruler of the tenth house is Saturn and its sign is Capricorn. Our ancestors had been doing this for many years before these powerful rituals had been almost forgotten over the ages. I would say something related to politics or being in the public service (Aquarius loves serving the people and humanity in general) with a regular paycheck. But no house will ever stay empty for long. This is the house of legacy. Individuals born with Aquarius in 10th House are different than their peers because theyre acting in unusual ways and even dressing strangely. When it comes to the help theyre giving, these natives are the ones who are giving the most original and intellectual advice, even if not always realistic. The profession will be connected to the career tendencies of the sign on and any planets in the 10th house. The 10th house is one of the three earth houses of material matters and shares similar traits to Capricorn, the tenth zodiac sign. Represented by the Star card in tarot, Aquarius can be visualized as a larger-than-life, mythical being with one foot firmly planted on the soil (representing a sense of being grounded) and one . This can be a good position for you to have career success in your life, almost coming easily, which can make some of you more lazy with career matters. Uranus can be a dystopian rebel and this placement could spawn periods of discontent with the system, especially if youve compromised any of your ideals for financial gains. The book contains some positive affirmations you can use as powerful reminders in everyday life to keep you focused on whats important and what unhealthy temptations need to be disarmed! When Mercury, the sun and the moon all enter into the bold sign of Aries on March 19 & 20, transiting your tenth house of career and reputation, all of the wishes you've had about your career . And lastly, in this book you are going to learn some practical algorithms and steps for easier chart interpretation. Mercury in 10th house is the representation of intelligence. The Tenth house, just like any other, features planets and there are different aspects and things . Native is happy in many . But first, check your ego at the door and roll up your sleeves. 2 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology. You're a GreatPhilanthropistand Humanitarian People with the tenth house in the sign of Aquariusare often involved in charity or other types of philanthropic activities. This post contains affiliate links! If you were born with any planet in your 10th house, it will influence the following areas of life: When a planet is transiting (orbiting) through your 10th house, these subjects will likely arise. In our example chart below, you can see that the cusp of their Tenth House lies in Scorpio. I dont recall any other book on this topic dealing with this area of astrology regarding our professional development. While, Mars is also considered to be one of the main Karaka planets in the 10th house. Your email address will not be published. Their geometrical angles form a . . By recognizing these unconscious tendencies, you can propel and sky-rocket your climb up the professional ladder and the social hierarchy! A 10th house Sun is one of the strongest testimonies of career success. If you use the Placidus method (which we prefer and recommend), you may notice that the houses of your chart are different sizes. It shows your ambitions, what you strive to achieve, and your approach to your profession. Vedic Astrology gives us the scope and methods to assess the various aspects of an individuals life with the help of its different dimensions. However, for the purpose of analyzing your potential for career growth in your natal 10th house, I am going to recommend to you only the first three installments. There you will find the potential for professional development and what specifics to look for when choosing your most suitable job. An individual's standing and reputation in the public eye are to be seen here, as well as their accomplishments in their chosen field. Cultivate humility while learning to set aside perfectionism and your tendency to worry about every move. Moon in the 10th House unites with the energies of Capricorn and its ruler Saturn. Oprah Winfrey has boundary-dissolving, Neptune, the planet of empathy and soulful exchanges in her 10th house of achievement and career ambition. Thats all I have for you today on this subject! Hey Niki! 10th House: Career, leadership, achievement and status. 3 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology. These activations are equally important. However, be aware that the sign of the Midheaven cusp is just one element of the birth chart. For the boss, he is an example of a good worker, but the look can be . The Best 10th House in Scorpio Career Options Connecting the aforementioned characteristics to the realm of the tenth astrological house (career, social status, and our dominant parent), we can make some assumptions about the most suitable career options for those with the Medium Coeli Scorpio astrological placement (MC Scorpio). As the author states the Lunar Nodes are where we can find our special hidden talents. In case you have any planets placed in your Medium Coeli house (the tenth house), you can also look up how they are related to your best career choice as well. These three houses work together in your chart to bring you success or challenges. In a birth chart, the cusp of the 10th house . The various parameters through which an individual life and its events can be studied are through planetary positions, aspects of the planets, transit of planets, planetary time periods, birth Nakshatra(constellation), ascendant sign, moon sign, sun sign, divisional charts(D10, D9), and so on. Your evolution may involve redefining success as more of a collective victory than an individual gain. Politicians Franois Hollande, Mitt Romney, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Henry Kissinger, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ben Shapiro (a political commentator and analyst), and more. To find the astrological sign on your Midheaven, you'll need a birth chart calculated using your complete birth data. Depending on the Sign of your 10th House, astrologers can interpret how you work, act, and make choices to contribute to society in a productive way. The worst placement for Sun is the 12th house. Their bosses are appreciating them for knowing the right people and for bringing many benefits for the team in which theyre working. 10th House Aquarius: Key Takeaways 1. Starting (or joining) a business with relatives is not a bad idea, since youll combine two of your favorite things: working and enjoying their company. Second of all, although this volume is not directly related to our topic today (analyzing your 10th house in Aquarius placement for the sake of finding your best career opportunities), I still think it holds immense value for finding your purpose in life. It describes your life goals, ambitions and the highest you get in life. When Mercury enters Aries and your 3rd House of Communication on Saturday, March 18, conversations flow . Interested in astrology, spirituality, and the law of attraction? Because it is located at the top of your chart, it represents your social status, ambitions, and how others see you. Maybe that explains why you have more trophies and loyal friends than most people. According to Navamsa Chart, Laxmi yoga is the Moon and Mars conjunction. Or in the case of Oprah, Neptune is in Libra, the sign of partnerships. Aquariuses of any kind can become successful no matter what they may try. Angular houses are a lot like the cardinal zodiac signs. You may come across as harsh and officious, or worse, imperious or dismissive. Their bosses see them as very good workers, even if theyre sometimes vain. No matter what, they should remain honest and reliable, which is not hard for them. They need to make a practical contribution, so the ruler of the 10th House, which is Capricorn, helps them a lot in this direction. However, in terms of the topic we have at hand here (choosing a career according to the potential your natal chart holds), the most important and intriguing part of this book is the detailed analysis of the cusps of the twelve houses, as well as the aspects to the Ascendant and the Medium Coeli point. The zodiac wheel is a 360-degree circle, divided into 12 segments, or houses. I hope it was helpful. The Tenth House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to goals, achievements, and success. No, that doesnt come along every day. The person born with Aquarius in 10 th House is different when it comes to matters of career, as well as innovative. The tenth house in astrology governs all life areas related to career, public image. Now that we are deciding on what career choice to make for our children, or ourselves choosing what would be best for the child, needs a lot of planning, and thought. Read more about Neptune in the 10th house. Your true healing takes place once you stop looking to others for validation. So, what does this book cover? The Only Astrology Book Youll Ever Need is going to show you the typical characteristics of the zodiac signs in great detail, as well as how they express their affection and love. This may have informed her decision to not simply be an on-screen star, but to build her own network and production house, giving her control over the media she createsand sidestepping censorship in the process. They will mostly flourish in their career due to their excellent communication skills and will get the chance to travel around the world. I wonder their meanings. As said before, natives with this placement in their birth chart are not comfortable with the public and want their efforts to be appreciated, not their personality. Unsubscribe at any time. In today's cenerio, everyone is worried about his/her career because of pandemic COVID-19 all over the world. However, I do find this phenomenon quite interesting. Copyright 2023, www.indastro.com. The 10th house is the House of honor, status, prestige, reputation, community-power, & professional career, in our society, this includes financial-success, but only as 10th house relates to community-power & prestige. You must know your time of birth to accurately determine the houses in your chart. For example, if you have been working in a field that you feel is no longer congruent with your values, interests, skills and talents, and passions, this may be a wonderful opportunity to make the switch in a very harmonic and resistance-free manner. First of all, I really like the author Jan Spiller (she is also the author of the aforementioned Astrology of Success). But sometimes you NEED to throw in the towel in order to get to the next stage of the game. In many of these examples you can clearly see the quirky and rebellious nature of the eleventh zodiac sign. This intuitive, investigative reading can suss out what your closest birth time may be. Well, first of all, the most obvious answer is to check the position of the Midheaven lord. Sagittarius in the Tenth House means natives with this placement are going to have a career they care about. However, they can neglect their duty and start dreaming too much soon after they received something to do. It also governs the nature of how others perceive us in terms of our public image. One may start getting success from 17 years of age till 40 years of age. However, they need their freedom because they have to express themselves and to explore, meaning some issues can appear in their professional life. (I understand its free), Good Dates For Financial Investments In Oct 2022, First Outing Of The Baby (Nishkramana Samskara), Mercury Retrogression In Virgo (10 Sep 2 Oct). The 10th house rules the things that we are known for in the world: our career choices, social status, achievement and prestige. Every person I've met with Taurus placements, absolute neat-freak, anal-retentive about their spaces being clean. Sun in the 10th house is loaded with energy and the 10th house gives the native the much wanted status in society. The native gains wealth from overseas sources. These areas of life are thoroughly described in the 10th place planet links above. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. Moreover, you will see that the Sun sign is only on the surface. As I mentioned previously, the 10th house is always connected to the planet of Saturn and its movement around the zodiac. And for a reason! In fact, you could speculate on at least ten ways a planet is influencing a house at any given moment. Easy does it! The first section of the book deals with the intricate art of calculating a birth chart. For these reasons, these natives are usually involved in the most important and largest projects. The further from the equator you were born, the more unequal your houses will be in size. The Sun visits each throughout one year. Which planets do you have in the 10th house? For the natives, Mercury in 10th house career is of utmost importance since they have . This achievement-oriented Jupiter placement makes you naturally competitive. Your Tenth House sign. Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Think status, the authority it conveys, and consequently, the role we take in our community. In addition, one should also remember that either these moon signs or the houses should be aspected, for the results to be accurate and worth trusting. These indispensable deets make this book an excellent gift for a beloved Aquarius person or someone who lives with and loves an Aquarius. They could get riches by working hard for themselves. The book will also show you in which areas you tend to self-sabotage and self-defeat yourself the most. Youre in it to win it! Before implementing any of the information shared in this blog, consult with your physician or nutritionist! They are generous people, and they find themselves in their professional life on a mission to serve humanity. Along with this, it also tells about your knowledge, wisdom, maturity, ability, sacrifice, and functionality. The tenth house indicates your potential to achieve. In this article, you'll know about: Prospering in your career using the 10th house of astrology. For example, with an earth or fiery ascendant (Taurus, Aries), you will seek a more down to Earth job with more stability or one requiring leadership. OK, now that we got this out of the way, lets see what we have here! Even then, youll run them through an extended checklist of requirements: financial stability, integrity, family values? As the sector of career achievement, theres competitive quality to the 10th house. In Vedic astrology the 10 house or the karma bhava determines your professional path by the planetary movements in this house. A strong Jupiter in the 10th house can give work related to financial organizations, banking, insurance, Auditing, law, and order, lawyers, and judges. This next awesome book on the matter is an excellent guide along with the aforementioned Astrology of Success. The volume includes some juicy info on the typical characteristics of the sign, along with its lucky color (hm, maybe you can test out if wearing clothes in this shade would bring you more luck and prosperity! Using the Cardinal Signs to Achieve Success. We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. Youre as creative as you are productive, drawing inspiration from a deep well, then finessing it to the heights of success. Vol. Mars is another planet that represents hardwork, effort, courage, career and ambition. 1 comment. Before we get to the meaty part of this article, check out what I have prepared for you today! This sector was historically associated with the father, but could also be read as any provider figure who skews more rational and stern rather than soft and nurturing. But keep in mind that the Ascendant and the whole natal chart will play a part in your best career choice. Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign ruling the 10th house. The volume also covers a wide area of the chart interpretation art the astrological houses, the planets in the Solar system, the aspects, and a ton more interesting and valuable information! 1 in 4th from that house 1 in 10th from the same house. Indeed they do play a huge role in our professional development, regardless if they are placed in the tenth astrological house or not. This sign is the most adaptable one in the Zodiac, so its easy for those having it present a lot in their birth chart can succeed in many professions. The 10th house is the last of the four angular houses, along with the 1st, 4th and 7th houses. P.O. Tenth House in Aquarius Celebrities In some ways, this might even be a relief! Appropriately, your work environment is highly intense, and competitive and you are psychologically dealing with a lot of things. It's also one of the work-related housesthe 6th house and the 2nd house being the other two. He simply cannot select the desired direction by himself. I am not a medical professional, nor a health expert. Natives born with Aquarius in 10th House should decide on a career thats asking them to be humanitarian. The 10th house represents career, profession, livelihood, authority, fame, public image, reputation, work environment, and relationship with the father and authority figures (Government). You can also check the other signs in this series: Zodiac Signs on the Cusp of Tenth House in Astrology. If it resonates with you, you can definitely check it out and use it in your quest for analyzing your birth chart and the great potential for success it holds! There are twelve sub-sections of the zodiac wheel, and each section signifies a House of the zodiac plane. Read more about the Moon in the 10th house. This is because every Saturn revolution brings a large window of opportunities for massive changes in the right direction, especially in the areas of our career, social status, and the government. Friendships are very important to them and this may create an imbalance between their love life and close friends. 4 in the 9th from that house. Besides, they want to be free and to make changes in their place of work. Beingborn with driven Mars in the 10th house can be a double blessing of sorts. Thank you for watching this video, don't forget to comment, like, and subscribe for more daily videos! Or an important challenge I need to be constantly aware of! Or the worst, depending on a particular case. AutoModerator 6 min. These people dont care what others think of their job, neither about any attitude they may receive. 10th House Aquariuses should make a plan in their mind and only after starting to work on it. Many want to work with them because theyre original and know how to innovate, also because theyre good when working in teams. Theyre not taking too many risks in their professional life and are inventive enough to see themselves on top, at some point in their life. Then, look to see if there are any planet glyphs occupying that segment. As the most visible part of the chart, it represents social . No part of this site may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The tenth house is the place to go to in the natal chart. 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