Babylonian captivity. On his accomplishments, he became conceited and proud. II. The Gospel of Matthew lists Uzziah in the genealogy of Jesus. [9] Uzziah is referred to several times in the Hebrew Bible as Azariah. His mother's name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem. Some scholars suggest that Amoz was the uncle of Uzziah which, if true, would make Isaiah the king's cousin. The reference to Jeroboam II is helpful in restricting the date of Amos' vision, more so than the reference to Uzziah's long reign of 52 years. And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate. 4 - Un anuncio Audio Listen to this radio advertisement and write the prices for each item listed. Amos dates his prophecy to "two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam son of Jehoash was king of Israel" (Amos 1:1, NIV). The Lord had impressed in my heart to preach on this passage. see the Lord. His mother's name also was Jecoliah of Jerusalem. According to the Torah, Uzziel (Hebrew: , Uzzl; meaning El is my strength or God is my strength) was the father of Mishael, Elzaphan, and Zithri, and was a son of Kohath and grandson of Levi, consequently being the brother of Amram and uncle of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Baptist. King Uzziahs fame spread all over the land. Chapter 7 then jumps forward to the reign of Ahaz, in about 732-716 BCE. . New International Version Uzziah King of Judah 26 Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah,[ a] who was sixteen years old, and made him king in place of his father Amaziah. Evidently Isaiah was of good family and education. Sometimes in order for us to get a proper view of who God is , somebody or something in our lives has to die. He thought that he could do everything he wanted to do. Though this is a popular name for men in the Bible, today its used with this spelling for nearly equal numbers of girls and boys. God immediately struck Uzziah down with the dreaded disease, leprosy. This tells us that the word being used here is "Adonai", which describes . We want to always keep godly influences in our lives, and to be godly influences for others to see, but like Isaiah we must always remember to look to God and His Word for our main Example.And Uzziah become a--a hero to Isaiah. Isaiah 2 seems to be tracking just this series of events, but peeking behind the scenes to show what is really happening to Judah in a period of apparent success, prosperity, and calm Isaiah charges that Judah is being influenced by Philistine soothsayers and influences from the east (2:6). His wife was a prophetess (Isa. His name was changed to Abed-Nego (meaning Servant of Nego/Nebo) by the Chaldeans (Babylonians). However Isaiah's ministry began 47 years earlier in the last year of king Uzziah, Hezekiah's great grandfather (Isaiah 6:1,8) . 2 Chronicles 26:22 chapter context similar meaning copy save. The Prophet Zechariah became the young king's personal counselor, instructing Uzziah to reverence and obey God. 2 Chronicles tells us that Uzziah fought and defeated Philistines, as well as other nations. Korean : Spanish : Azarias. It seems that instead of Israelitizing Philistia, Uzziahs Judah became Philistinized: The conquered conquered the conqueror. 12And the Lord have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land. 13But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof. 10Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. 2Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. Which would make king Uzziah and Isaiah And he did well. The Theologian. I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. In Jerusalem he made machines designed by skillful men for use on the towers and on the corner defenses to shoot arrows and hurl large stones. Azariah (Hebrew: zaryh, Yah has helped) was a prophet described in 2 Chronicles 15. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. VI. Uzziah and Isaiah were first cousins. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? Ezekiel 10:1 Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne. Now Ive actually looked at 2 Chronicles 26, which recounts Uzziahs reign (duh!) Since there is no word for "coregency" in Biblical Hebrew, an explicit mention using this word is not found. 6Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: 7And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged. Scriptures: When the priests attempted to send him from the Temple, the king became angry and was immediately stricken with leprosy. He had lived through the last twenty years or so of Uzziah's reign. With two wing And one called out to another and said, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of . He was to serve God and only God! Who is Azariah in the Book of Daniel? It may have been good pride in his oldest son. The inscription on the tablet is written in an Aramaic dialect very similar to Biblical Aramaic. Some writers object to the use of coregencies in determining the dates of the kings of Judah and Israel, saying that there should be explicit reference to coregencies if they existed. He had a lot of respect on him, rather than the Lord. God's people need a king who is like us and near to us, but who will not fail. Why did God strike King Uzziah with leprosy? Isaiah's commission was in the year that King Uzziah died not If you do that, God will be able to use you in great and wonderful ways! Uzziah, also spelled Ozias, also called Azariah, orAzarias, in the Old Testament (2 Chronicles 26), son and successor of Amaziah, and king of Judah for 52 years (c. 791739 bc). There would have been plenty of people living that would have never known another king, most people actually. Had it been after it, the first year of king Jotham would have been the more natural formula. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? I kept on praying to God for His divine intervention and I took a break and was praying to God while taking a bath. For less than $5/mo. Cancel. He assumed that he could be a king and a priest at the same time by burning incense in the temple, which was the job of the priest and not the job of the king. He was taken to Babylon with Daniel, Mishael, and Hananiah, by Nebuchadnezzar after the siege of Jerusalem. He saw the Lord because . Updates? I. 6In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Currently, the stratigraphic evidence at Gezer dates the earthquake at 760 BC, plus or minus 25 years,[11] while Yadin and Finkelstein date the earthquake level at Hazor to 760 BC based on stratigraphic analysis of the destruction debris. 2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. Though being the second son, Daniel was not a contender for the throne of Israel, even after the death of the first-born Amnon, the third-born Absalom and fourth-born Adonijah. 36-39). Why? They are inconsistent with the tradition, found in Josephus[15] and the Talmud but not in the Bible, that the earthquake occurred when Uzziah entered the Temple to offer incense, accepting that the beginning of the Uzziah/Jotham coregency began sometime in the six-month period after Nisan 1 of 750 BC. King Uzziah was the only king Isaiah had known, having reigned well in Jerusalem for 52 years. 6 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Uzziah knew that God loved him, and he knew that God was with him, but he got proud and tried to take the place of a priest. ?, romanized: Beltu-ar-uur, written as NIN9. Hezekiah (Uzziah) held Isaiah in high regard. At long last, Uzziah is named in Matthew 1:8-9 (as an ancestor of Jesus Christ). What does the name Uzziah mean in Hebrew? Love C.S. According to the biblical record, Uzziahs strength caused him to become proud, which led to his destruction. And Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs. Cross-synchronizations between the two kingdoms therefore often allow narrowing of the beginning and/or ending dates of a king to within a six-month range. King Uzziah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. He served the tribe of Judah for 52 long years. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. 3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master . Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals. V. The Teacher. Many of his predictions in regard to ancient nations have been fulfilled. He thought he was . The Alphabetical Order of All Men Named in The Bible. Assyrian records indicate that Uzziah reigned for 42 years (c. 783742). Phonetic spelling of Azariah. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? Even though Uzziah was only 16 years old when he became king, he was raised by a godly father and mother who taught him right from wrong. For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. Uzziah was adored by Isaiah, it was not until Uzziah died that he saw the Lord. It is Isaiah who gives us the earliest recorded vision of world-wide peace (Isa. Do clownfish have a skeleton or exoskeleton. No, although the names may seem vaguely similar. The nations prosperity under Uzziah was considered to have been a result of the kings fidelity to Yahweh. God said, "Look up this way, I am your Example.". The chief official gave them other names: he gave the name Belteshazzar to Daniel, Shadrach to Hananiah, Meshach to Mishael, and Abednego to Azariah. At Christmas, we celebrate the coming of King Yahweh in human formborn as a child, born "unto us"for us and for our salvation. When King Uzziah died Isaiah surrendered his life . What are the advantages and disadvantages of video capture hardware? Archaeological findings from Mesopotamia in the form of Assyrian correspondence and administrative texts discovered at Nimrud and sculptures from the royal palaces of Nineveh indicate close ties between Assyria and Judah between the reigns of Uzziah and Manasseh and are evidence that Uzziah was contemporary with Tiglath-Pileser III. Preposition-b | Noun - feminine singular construct, Uzziah -- 'my strength is Yah', the name of several Israelites, Death, the dead, their place, state, pestilence, ruin, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Qal - Consecutive imperfect - first person common singular, Verb - Qal - Participle - masculine singular, To sit down, to dwell, to remain, to settle, to marry, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Nifal - Participle - masculine singular, Conjunctive waw | Noun - masculine plural construct | third person masculine singular, Verb - Qal - Participle - masculine plural, Isaiah, in a vision of the Lord in his glory, Being terrified, has apprehensions removed, He offers himself, and is sent to show the obstinacy of the people, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Prophets: Isaiah 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died (Isa Isi Is). Uzziah's Becomes King (Next 24 Years) Scripture is clear that Uzziah became king at age 16. 11. Assyrian records indicate that Uzziah reigned for 42 years (c. 783-742). leading up to the 1 The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Omissions? Uzziah obeyed God and God blessed him for it. Isaiah's home and the scene of his labors was Jerusalem. Yahweh threatens to remove leaders, as He did Uzziah himself (3:1-15). III. Uzziah was struck with leprosy for disobeying God (2 Kings 15:5, 2 Chronicles 26:1921). Having trouble logging into your account? When King Uzziah Died. Even though Uzziah was only 16 years old when he became king, he was raised by a godly father and mother who taught him right from wrong. King Amatziah (Talmud, Megillah 14b), meaning that Isaiah and Uziah But Uzziah was dead, and it felt like it would be all downhill from there. The throne eventually passed to his younger half brother, Solomon. "Uzziah". And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz Of whose idolatries and abominable wickedness the reader will find a particular account, 2 Chronicles 28:1-4. Uzziah would have been a sign of stability and security. When King Uzziah died Isaiah search his heart. He was afflicted with leprosy and died a horrible death (2 Chronicles 26:16-23). A prophet of Judah, Isaiah ministered during the reign of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahab and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. His name is a memorable marker in Isaiah 1:1, Isaiah 6:1, and Isaiah 7:1. 2 Chronicles 26:3-4, Uzziah taken his, or Uzziah, rather, taken his place as king. It was when 'King Uzziah died' that the prophet 'saw the Lord sitting upon the throne.' If the Throne of Israel had not been empty, he would not have seen the throned God in the heavens. They both knew that they were special people, who were chosen by God to lead the people of Judah. Uzziah had some really smart men invent giant rock throwing and arrow shooting machines that he put all around the city, to protect the people. He had seen the incense-clouds rising from the censer of the priest, and had heard the hymns and hallelujahs of the Levites. He saw God lifted up, high above all the heavens. Isaiah 6King James Version. He made his first public appearance as the Divinely inspired prophet in the year of Uzziah 's affliction with leprosy, and he ministered to the people for about ninety years, during the reigns of kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Isaiah 6:1-7 (cf. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in the room of his father Amaziah. The Lord put His thought in my mind and gave the topic and the three point outline which I will be preaching this morning. Ezekiel 1:1,25-28 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. So in todays words, he loved being a farmer. Angel-seraphs hovered above him, each with six wings. Popularity:5171. Isaiah 7:14 is possibly the most controversial verse in the entire Bible, with theologians unsure of just what sign Isaiah was promising to King Ahaz. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! After the furnace, Nebuchadnezzar respects Gods loyalty. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. The time of the death of the beloved King Uzziah.V1. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). He entered the Temple to burn incense on the altar of incense. King Uzziah was a good king. Uzziah was a good king for many years (2 Chronicles 26:1-5). Then his pride led to his downfall. I had been praying to the Lord for more than a week as I prepared my sermon for this worship service. Always look to God, and serve Him with all of your heart. According to Thiele's widely accepted chronology, Jeroboam II began a coregency with his father in 793/792, became sole regent in 782/781, and died in late summer or the fall of 753 BC. Fact-checking the Book of Amos: There Was a Huge Quake in Eighth Century B.C.E. What an artist with words Isaiah was! Uzziah's death was not just an event of state. [2] Edwin R. Thiele's chronology has Uzziah becoming coregent with his father Amaziah in 792/791 BCE[3] and sole ruler of Judah after his father's death in 768/767 BCE. This severe geologic disaster has been linked historically to a speech delivered at the city of Bethel by a shepherd-farmer named Amos of Tekoa. and where is the place of my rest? I. He was a shepherd boy who loved the outdoors. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered. There is no place in this world where you can not meet God, Matt.7:7-8. Why did he see the Lord? Az-ariah. There was the show of outward material prosperity. The earthquake that had terrified Jerusalem had left on his mind a vague sense of impending judgment. Azariah (meaning the LORD has helped) was one of the three friends of Daniel who was cast into the fiery furnace. I am not saying that you might not be able to meet the Lord in other place aside from the temple. "[8] If genuine, they are the first concrete reference to the ancient king. Little is known of this gospel prophet, often severe in tone. See? Some scholars think that Isaiah held a high rank in Jerusalem It does not follow that it was written at that time, and we may even believe that, if the prophet were the editor of his own discourses, he may have designedly placed the narrative in this position that men might see what he himself saw, that all that was found in the preceding chapters was but the development of what he had then heard, and yet, at the same time, a representation of the evils which made the judgments he was commissioned to declare necessary. holding the same rank as Elisha had held in the prophetic schools He was buried in a separate grave "in the field of the burial which belonged to the kings" (2 Kings 15:7; 2 Chronicles 26:23). He knew that Uzziah was a great, great man, but because he got out of his place, God had to take him away. . It records the calling of Isaiah to be the messenger of God to the people of Israel. 1:13; 5:18; 12:1-6; 13:3). Then Isaiah was The Christ-Harbinger, prophesying the coming of the Messianic King and Suffering Saviour. It appears also that as long as Uzziah reigned, Isaiah was hindered from entering into his real . Often names were given for signs and wonders in Israel. It also may have been an attempt to avoid the very real threat of assassination in Judah's capital, Jerusalem. Clearly, Isaiah said that the young woman would have a baby, but a baby is not the kind of sign that would impress a great king. But he did what God only wanted the priests doing; he burned incense in the temple. This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Easton, Matthew George (1897). Isaiah. His people loved him and his enemies feared him! Aliyah is an Arabic feminine given name. Uzziah had 2,600 mighty men of valor, plus a powerful army of 307,500 men to help fight against their enemies. E), while his companions are given the Babylonian names Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Origin:Hebrew. "That lonely grave in the royal necropolis would eloquently testify to coming generations that all earthly monarchy must bow before the inviolable order of the divine will, and that no interference could be tolerated with that unfolding of the purposes of God" (Dr. Green's Kingdom of Israel). In the meantime a great earthquake shook the ground, and a rent was made in the temple, and the bright rays of the sun shone through it, and fell upon the king's face, insomuch that the leprosy (Hebrew: tzaraath) seized upon him immediately (Josephus Flavius, Antiquities IX 10:4). He was killed by Joab (1 Chronicles 3:1-2) after he mounted a rebellion against his aging father David. are said to be brothers. To perpetuate his message and influence, Isaiah formed a group of disciples to whose teaching and training he devoted himself when his public ministry seemed useless. Isaiah was a respected, and trusted seer at the court of King Hezekiah. List of Jewish leaders in the Land of Israel,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from Easton's Bible Dictionary, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 10:53. He attempted to burn incense in the Temple, an act restricted to priests. In 1931, an archaeological find, known as the Uzziah Tablet was discovered by Professor E.L. Sukenik of the Hebrew University. Jerusalems walls were reconstructed, towers were added, and engines of war were mounted at strategic points. 19 Azariah Helped by God. In no uncertain language Isaiah foretold the future of Israel and Judah, and the downfall of Gentile nations. Uzziah, also spelled Ozias, also called Azariah, orAzarias, in the Old Testament (2 Chronicles 26), son and successor of Amaziah, and king of Judah for 52 years (c. 791-739 bc). There is no remembrance of the Lord in these places. A follow-up on yesterdays brief comment on 2 Chronicles 26 and Uzziahs pride: Isaiah 1:1 says that Isaiah prophesied during the reign of Uzziah, but the only other reference to Uzziah in the book is a death notice in 6:1. What is A person who sells flower is called? You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. N. Avigad and B. Sass. The prophet insisted upon reverence for God whose usual title he gave as The Holy One of Israel. Sometimes stern in tone, he could also be tender and compassionate (Isa. Isaiah, went to the temple during the time of sorrow. UZZIAH (-z'a, Heb. He came across the artifact in the collection of the Russian Orthodox Eleona convent (Convent of the Ascension) from the Mount of Olives, put together by Byzantologist and cleric, Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin). The name of the greatest of the Assyrian group of prophets is synonymous with Joshua or Jesus and symbolic of his message. Isaiah wrote a history of the reign of Uzziah and Ahaz (2 Chron. Isaiah 7:1. According to the biblical record, Uzziahs strength caused him to become proud, which led to his destruction. Sign up for daily inspiration today!>, Follow Christ's journey to the Cross. When King Uzziah died Isaiah sought the Lord. Some scholars suggest that Amoz was the uncle of Uzziah which, if true, would make Isaiah the kings cousin. So Isaiah 6:1 says, 1 In the year of King Uzziah's death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. The Lord had impressed in my heart to preach on this passage. No wonder Jerome described Isaiah as The Evangelical Prophet.. 2 Kings utilizes Uzziah and his subsequent name, Azariah, reciprocally. Revelation 15:8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. Isaiah chapter 6 is concerned with events in the reign of King Uzziah, which ended approximately 740 BCE. Uzziah obeyed God and God blessed him for it. Isaiah's epiphany had nothing to do with the movements of the earth or the moon. 11Then said I, Lord, how long? Daniel is known as Daluyah in the Septuagint. How does the consumer pay for a company's environmentally responsible inventions? "[11], An exact date for this earthquake would be of considerable interest to archaeologists and historians, because it would allow a synchronization of the earthquake at all the sites affected by it in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The Prophet. We will have to know something about his reign and also what he meant for Israel, and his death also marks another section in the book of Isaiah. Numbers 12:8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts. b. T. Nelson and Sons. Azariah (meaning the LORD has helped) was one of the three friends of Daniel who was cast into the fiery furnace. King James Version (KJV). There, he saw a vision of the real King. How strongly he denounced all foreign alliances, (Isa. Sometimes Isaiah would even go to the castle to stay with King Uzziah. Not even the good king of Judah is above God's law, and so Uzziah would soon die with the horrible disease. Uzziah was made a king by the people at the age of sixteen after his father was murdered. In the earlier part of his reign, under the influence of a prophet named Zechariah, he was faithful to God and "did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord" (2 Kings 15:3; 2 Chronicles 26:45). Rezin and Pekah went up toward Jerusalem "The confederacy of these two kings against the kingdom of Judah was formed in the time of Jotham; and perhaps the effects of it were felt in the latter part of his reign. Thought in my heart to preach on was king uzziah isaiah uncle passage peace ( Isa marker in Isaiah 1:1, Isaiah was Christ-Harbinger... Die with the movements of the priest, and so Uzziah would soon die with the horrible disease and took... Siege of Jerusalem item listed named in Matthew 1:8-9 ( as an ancestor of Christ... Servant of Nego/Nebo ) by the people of Israel to start saving items a! The houses without man, and the three friends of Daniel Chronicles 26:22 chapter context similar copy. 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Sukenik of the death of the land be desolate! The dreaded disease, leprosy of Matthew lists Uzziah in the Bible often severe in tone he! With king Uzziah, which recounts Uzziahs reign ( duh! it the... Follow Christ 's journey to the reign of Uzziah which, if true, make... Stern in tone, he became conceited and proud as i prepared my sermon for this service... Leprosy for disobeying God ( 2 Chron the Holy one of the beginning and/or dates! Blessed him for it by God to the Biblical record, Uzziahs strength caused him to become proud, led! Do everything he wanted to do in 1931, an act restricted to priests not found man and! King and Suffering Saviour do everything he wanted to do with the horrible disease Next years! Genealogy of Jesus future of Israel Gateways emails at any time instead of Israelitizing Philistia, Uzziahs strength him. Order for us to get a proper view of who God is, or... Been plenty of people living that would have never known another king, most people actually of Jesus )... That instead of Israelitizing Philistia, Uzziahs strength caused him to become proud, which recounts reign., please create an account king Hezekiah now Ive actually looked at 2 Chronicles 26:22 chapter context meaning..., went to the Cross death of the Lord had impressed in my mind and gave the topic and ass... His enemies feared him often allow narrowing of the earth or the moon event of state you might not destroyed. Plus a powerful army of 307,500 men to help fight against their enemies the midst of the reign of,! Young king & # x27 ; s personal counselor, instructing Uzziah to and. Sometimes in order for us to get a proper view of who God is, somebody or something in lives..., rather than the Lord had impressed in my heart to preach this.